CBA NEERLS & Department of Justice Meeting 

Nov. 2-3, 2017
Ottawa ON


Online registration is now closed. If you would like to attend the conference, please register on site at the Canadian Museum of Nature, Fourth Floor Gallery West. Thank you.


Join members of the CBA Environment, Energy and Resources Law Section and their Justice counterparts as they engage in dialogue surrounding current environment and energy topics. A detailed agenda will follow.

Now an annual fixture on the environment law calendar, the Fall 2017 meeting is not to be missed!


DAY 1 (Thursday, November 2)
Workshops // 12:30pm - 5pm
Reception // 5pm - 7pm
Informal Dinner* // 7:30pm

DAY 2 (Friday, November 3)
Workshops // 8:30am - 430pm

*Metropolitain Brasserie Restaurant 700 Sussex Dr, Ottawa. Please RSVP or indicate you'd like to attend on the registration form. Individual billing applies. 


Conference rates:
CBA Members: $250 + tax = $282.50
Government $100 + tax = $113.00
Reception (All): $25 + tax = $28.25

Online registration is now closed. If you would like to attend the conference, please register on site at the Canadian Museum of Nature, Fourth Floor Gallery West. Thank you.

Please note, your registration will not be processed until payment has been received.

Cancellation Policy: There will be a 20% administrative charge for any registration cancellation received in writing prior to October 2, 2017. No refund will be given after October 2, 2017. There will be no refunds for "no-show" registrants.

Venue & Accommodation

Meeting Venue:
Canadian Museum of Nature
240 McLeod St
Ottawa, ON
(613) 566-4700

CBA members receive preferred rates at the Westin Hotel. Mention your membership at the time of booking. Restrictions apply.







    Tina Howe
    CBA National Office
    613-237-2925; 1-800-267-8860
    ext. 190