Animals and the Law: Their Evolving Value and Methods for Ensuring Welfare (Archived Video Stream) 

Feb. 5, 2015
Toronto Online

Animals and the Law: Their Evolving Value and Methods for Ensuring Welfare
Animal Law | Original Program Date: February 5, 2015

From the often contentious family law cases dealing with who gets custody of the family pet to the recent focus on the regulation of aquariums and zoos, to the push to create black letter law that establishes the value of animals beyond mere property, this program will shine a light on the issues and show why animal law is emerging as an exciting practice area. Hear from experienced animal law and family law practitioners and from industry and government representatives on the latest developments and emerging legal challenges. Whether you are a lawyer who deals with animal law cases or have an interest in how the law is evolving with respect to the rights of animals, register now for the latest developments and trends


Kevin Toyne, Brauti Thorning Zibarras LLP
Rachel Godley, Davis Webb LLP


View full program agenda



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    For 1 to 3 Participants
    CBA Member: $155*
    Non-Member: $205*

    For 4 or more Participants
    CBA Member: $225*
    Non-Member: $295*
    E-Materials included in the registration fee
    *plus applicable taxes



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