Remedies for Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults in Congregate Settings (Recording) 

Mar. 28, 2018

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Presented by the CBA Elder Law Section, and the Health Law Section

Remedies for Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults in Congregate Settings

As the population continues to age, the treatment of older adults in congregate care homes promises to come more and more sharply into focus.

Whether they are representing elderly adults and their families or advocating on behalf of personal care, long-term care, retirement, or nursing homes, lawyers need to be aware of legislative and case law developments and trends.

What are the mechanisms for the reporting of abuse and neglect of older adults living in congregate caregiving arrangements and what is the legal process for pursuing these claims?

Our speakers will examine the law from a sampling of jurisdictions across Canada and provide strategies to advocate for effective remedies in response to resident abuse and neglect. They will also consider unique practice management and professional responsibility issues that arise when advising on these matters.

This webinar will cover topics such as:

•  How homes are funded and regulated
•  Which jurisdictions have a Residents’ Bill of Rights
•  Strategies to pursue resident complaints of abuse and neglect
•  Issues concerning fear of reprisal
•  Availability of whistle-blower protection



             Salimah Walji-Shivji - link to biography      





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