From Stressful to Mindful to Joyful: 6 Bold Steps to Success and Happiness in the Law - VIDEO 

Oct. 5, 2022

Well-Being in Practice 2022: From stressful, to mindful, to joyful





From Stressful to Mindful to Joyful: 6 Bold Steps to Success and Happiness in the Law 

6 bold steps to success and happiness in the law. Professor Larry Krieger is an experienced litigator who will challenge us to adjust ourselves to healthy values, stop creating stress for ourselves, and to use that space to experience joy and fulfillment. He applies science and his experience in law practice to uncover paths to personal progress that do not depend on outer events or situations. 

This video was originally presented as part of the Well-Being in Practice Summit, jointly hosted by the Law Society of Alberta, CBA Alberta, the Alberta Lawyers' Assistance Society, and ALIA.


Headshot of Dr. Larry Krieger, a mean with gray hair wearing glasses, a plaid suit jacket and white shirtDr. Larry Krieger was a litigator for more than a decade, including as a criminal prosecutor and as Chief Trial Counsel for the Florida Comptroller. He has taught meditation and mindfulness for more than 50 years and has been a Clinical Professor of Law at Florida State University for more than 30 years. Dr. Krieger is a recognized authority on the well-being of lawyers and law students. He published (with Dr. Ken Sheldon) the definitive study on lawyer well-being to date: “What Makes Lawyers Happy?”. In 2007, Dr. Krieger was the Founding Chair of the Association of American Law Schools’ Section on Balance and Well-Being in Legal Education. For his work on behalf of lawyers and law students, Dr. Krieger earned the 2016 Kutulakis Award for Outstanding Contribution in Service of Law Students (Section on Student Services, Association of American Law Schools) and the 2019 Outstanding Service Award (American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs). He is one of 26 teachers featured in the Harvard University Press book, What the Best Law Teachers Do.


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