An Introduction to UNDRIP and the Making of UNDRIP Law in Canada (Webinar Repeat) 

Apr. 15, 2020
Webinar Repeat Online

Veuillez notez, cet événement sera disponible en anglais seulement.

Air Date: This is the archived version of a program presented on April 15, 2020.
Speaker(s): Sandy Carpenter, Co-Founder, Canadian Regulatory and Indigenous Law
Format: Webinar Recording
CPD Hours: 1.5 Hours of Approved Continuing Professional Development in BC
Viewing of this recording will provide you with 1.5 hours of the ethics, professional responsibility and practice management component for your Law Society of BC reporting.

This webinar repeat will provide an introduction to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP/the Declaration) that was passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007. It will provide the history leading up to the passage of the Declaration, including Canada’s position as only one of four countries who voted against it. It will then address why, despite the Declaration’s goals, the Declaration is controversial and ongoing efforts to bring it into law in Canada. Finally it will review BC’s new Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Persons Act (also known as Bill 41), one of the first legislated efforts in the world to bring the Declaration into law, and efforts to implement the Declaration by the federal government.

Attendees will leave with an understanding of the significance of the Declaration, a better understanding of why some people, including Indigenous people, support the aspirations in the Declaration but are concerned about these becoming law, the legal meaning and risks associated with BC’s Bill 41, and potential future events.



About Sandy Carpenter

Sandy Carpenter is Co-Founder of Canadian Regulatory and Indigenous Law, a regulatory and Indigenous law boutique, and is widely recognized as one of Canada's leading regulatory and Indigenous lawyers. Sandy has practiced administrative, environmental and Indigenous law for over 30 years across a wide range of industries and jurisdictions.

He is a past President and member of the Board of the Canadian Energy Law Foundation, the pre-eminent association for lawyers engaged in energy law in Canada and has taught Environmental Law and been a guest lecturer at the University of Calgary.


The purchase of this Webinar Repeat allows one (1) registrant a one (1) week access* to the recording.
*Login access begins immediately at the time of purchase.

Instructions/Course Materials/Handouts

VIMEO - This webinar repeat is available through VIMEO.

• You will be sent the webinar link and log-in instructions within the email confirmation you will receive once you have completed your registration for this recording.
• All materials and handouts will be sent to you with your instructions.
• Ensure your computer speakers are working properly.
• Earphones are recommended for the best sound quality.

Participant Disclaimer- This is to confirm that you have agreed with the following terms and conditions:
All materials related to this course are for the sole use of the above said registrant, which may not be screen-recorded, copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, translated, distributed, shared, modified, made available on a network or other website, used to create derivative works, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior express written permission of the Canadian Bar Association.

Cancellation Policy
Once payment has been processed there will be no refund issued. To cancel your attendance, please contact the PD Department at No refunds will be issued to non-attendees.






    Member: FREE
    Non-Member: $80 (+GST)



    • Log-in instructions will be included in your confirmation email.

    • Once you have purchased this Repeat, you will have instant access to both the recording and the materials/handouts via the REPEAT TAB on this page.








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