OBA Lawyers Read: Bold Decisions – Memoirs of a Judge, Lawyer, Teacher and Working Mom [VIRTUAL SESSION] 

Sep. 20, 2023


The OBA’s book club is aimed at serving the whole lawyer – from their desk to the doorstep – by bringing lawyers across all regions and practice areas together to share ideas for success and connection on topics that affect our every day lives whether at work or play.

With consideration toward our new president, Kelly McDermott’s mandate to supporting one another, we have chosen the book Bold Decisions – Memoirs of a Judge, Lawyer, Teacher and Working Mom by The Honourable Sandra Chapnik for our fall session. In clear, compelling language, The Honourable Sandra Chapnik tells you how she overcame her fears and disappointments to live her purpose over a lifetime. In relating her intriguing experiences as a judge, lawyer, teacher and working mom, she answers the recurring questions: How did you balance your interests and priorities? Why did you choose law? What hurdles did you face?

Chapnik also speaks to the universal balancing act endured by working mothers who have growing children and grandchildren, and the need to practice unconditional love. It is a story of self- learning, where, in the process of helping others to believe in themselves, the author comes to believe in herself. Her insight and her passionate love story over 60 years resonates through the ages and is told with a warm and an endearing sense of humour.

Please join us on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. virtually for an insightful discussion touching on work-life balance and believing in oneself to see things through.



Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm (ET)


The event is free and exclusive to OBA Members.




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    Zoom App (latest version)
    Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0+
    High-speed internet connection
    Modern web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer 11+



Ontario Bar Association
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Toll-free in Ontario
E-Mail: registrations@oba.org
Web: www.oba.org