Pursuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Being an Engaged Bystander 

May 17, 2021
Calgary Online

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Pursuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Being an Engaged Bystander

Monday, May 17, 2021
3:00 - 4:30 PM

**CLICK HERE to access the on-demand version of this webinar**

Dori Palmiere & Chris Buchner, Centre for Sexuality

In this practical and informative webinar, participants will learn terms and concepts related to gender and sexual diversity. Participants will learn about power, privilege and intersectionality, to connect how our systems are built to perpetuate stigma that hinders diversity, equity and inclusion. Participants will review skills, which can be used in their personal lives, to intervene as engaged bystanders when witnessing discrimination. Participants will leave prepared and confident to address identity-based harassment in a way that empowers that person experiencing harassment, while providing teachable moments to those engaging in it.

Centre for Sexuality is a nationally recognized, community-based organization delivering programs and services that work to normalize sexuality and sexual health across the lifespan. It has been leading the way in areas of sexuality, healthy relationships, human rights, gender identity, sexual orientation, equality and consent for more than 40 years in the Calgary community.

This is part one of a three-part webinar series presented by the CBA Alberta Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee. Click the links below to register for parts two and three of the series.


CBA Members - Complimentary
Non-Members - $129.00 + GST
(GST #R100760487)





    Canadian Bar Association - Alberta Branch