Authentic Communication (Recording) 

Jun. 11, 2020

Authentic Communication

Never has clear and accurate communication been so important to humankind - as it is right now - in the fight against COVID-19.  Authentic communication is in demand. 

As a lawyer, authentic communication is vital in creating long-lasting client relationships, but it also has application in other areas.  When applying for a job, for example, no doubt you want to make sure that you’re staying true to who you are so that you’ll land at a place that will appreciate you as an individual. But, how do you do that while striking the right balance?

This program is being led by Paulette Pommells, an experienced coach who works exclusively with lawyers on their career and professional development.  She will teach a few proven techniques that will allow you to be an authentic communicator with clients and colleagues, and as a jobseeker.








613-237-2925; 1-800-267-8860

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